Default File Open Location


Scott Schaffer

Hi all.

Is there any way to have a macro run automatically every time the File
Open Dialog is opened?

The default behaviour of Word is to use the default folder set in
Tools|Options|File Locations|Documents until you open a document in
another folder. The next time you go to open a document, it opens to the
last folder you were in.

I would like it to always open to the smae folder no matter what folder
you were in last and I thought I could accomplish this with a macro that
ran when the File Open Dialog was used.

Anybody know if this is possible or maybe have a different idea for
accomplishing the same thing?

Scott Schaffer

Scott Schaffer
Olive Waller Zinkhan & Waller


If you write a macro called FileOpen it will run in place of the built in
command (ie, when the user clicks Open from the File menu). In the macro,
you use the Dialogs collection to call the FileOpen dialog as you wish.


If you write a macro called FileOpen it will run in place of the built in
command (ie, when the user clicks Open from the File menu). In the macro,
you use the Dialogs collection to call the FileOpen dialog as you wish.

Scott Schaffer

Thank you, that worked beautifully.


Scott Schaffer
Olive Waller Zinkhan & Waller

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