menu Format -> Define Styles
click the Fill button and change as required.
In the Fill panel,
* The [Color:] field is set to [01: and what looks like white].
* The [Pattern:] field is set to [01: Solid].
* The [Pattern color:] field is greyed out.
* The [Transparency:] slider is set to [0%].
* The [Preview] window looks white.
I then dragged a square onto the page. It looks light blue to me. If I
click on the Fill down arrow, then [More colors...], then the Custom
tab, it says the color parameters are Red: 232, Green: 238, and Blue:
If I drag another square and change the fill to White, there is a
marked difference, so I don't think it's my old eyes.
If I print that page, the default square is greyish (on a black and
white printer) and the white square is white.
I just uploaded a document with three squares: default (blueish),
white, and no fill:
After I uploaded that document, I happened to click on Define Styles
with the object selected and I noticed that it said the style
associated with that square was named [Basic] and the [Based on:]
field said [Visio 00].
I closed out, deselected everything, reopened Define Styles, selected
Visio 00, and clicked on Fill. There it is. Visio 00 is set to a light
blue color. Changing it to white fixes the problem for all of the
What is Visio 00 and how could it have gotten changed to a light blue