Default installation path for add-ins?


Terje Krång


I am developing an Outlook Add-In with an auto-update feature. Now, I would
like to support users without administrator rights. Installation will prolly
be done automatically with SMS or something, but what about updates? A
non-admin user doesn't have enough rights to update files in C:\Program
Files\MyAddIn (as far as I know), so where should I have the user install my
software? Is there any way I can have my update-application allways run with
administrator rights, without saving administrator password anywhere? (I
guess I could use "runas", but I think I would have to know the
administrator password in order to use that command?)

(PS: Developing for Outlook 2003, using C#.)

Best Regards,
Terje Krång

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Why wouldn't a user have permissions to install or update applications in
C:\Program Files? If they didn't they couldn't install the application to
begin with. I always use C:\Program Files and I've never had a problem.

Siew Moi Khor [MS]

You're right that if you require the users to install at C:\Program
Files\...., they need to be admins on the box. You might want to consider
installing under %userprofile%\ directory, eg, C:\Documents and
Settings\<username> which only requires user permission.

btw, you might be interested in some excellent blogs and articles on running
as non-admins:;en-us;294676

Siew Moi

Terje Krång

The add-in could be deployed using SMS or some other deployment facility.
SMS will install the add-in in e.g. C:\Program Files, but the user could be
non-admin user -- and if so would not have access to update/change/delete
the add-in other than through SMS. (Or am I totally wrong here?)


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