default language



Word keeps changing the default language of docs
in 'spanish', even when I set all the defaults
in 'dutch'(tools-language-set language). I save the
document and at re-opening it is still spanish!
I even can't find a solution in office proofing tools.
Can anyone help me on this? Thanks

Margaret Aldis

Hi Peter

You don't say what version of Word, but it sounds like Word 2002's stupid
automatic language detection. Try Tools > Language > Set language and
uncheck 'Detect language autoamtically'.

Another possibility is that the language has been set incorrectly in Normal
or one of your other styles.

Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi Peter,

Search on
Newsgroup: word.spelling.grammar
Search term: FAQ

This explains how language formatting is controlled in
Word keeps changing the default language of docs
in 'spanish', even when I set all the defaults
in 'dutch'(tools-language-set language). I save the
document and at re-opening it is still spanish!

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update
Jan 24 2003)

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