Default list in a repeating section of a template


Eric J Hoagland

Hello all,

I would like to build a template that contains a repeating section, and I
would like to make a default number of the repeating sections already filled
out in a template.

How do I place a repeating section with X number of the sections already
inserted and filled out in my template?

Thanx in advance...

S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

Go to Tools > Default Values, and add the default sections with their
corresponding default values there.

Eric J Hoagland

Thanks for the answer, but it doesn't really answer my question...

I know how to set default values for controls, but what I need to do is make
a template with a repeating table that has more than one row (or entry)
already inserted when the user goes to fill out a form based on my template.

Is there a way to do this in the InfoPath form designer environment, or do I
have to do it programmatically with JScript?

I hope this clarifies my question.

Eagerly awaiting a reply...

Thanks in advance,

Eric J Hoagland


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