default media player



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange

Hi All,

I used to have the ability to play a voice message right in the message. Now the attachment is still there and I can open it with Quicktime, but the embedded player is no longer available. Anyone have an idea as to how I can restore this?




Hi JR,

Thanks for the input. Appreciate your help. I was hoping that someone would be able to tell me why my Entourage now does not include the embedded player in the message any longer. There must have been a setting that was changed and I would like to change it back so the embedded player works again.



Hi JR,

No, no intention of refusing the details. :) It is a .wav file that our voice mail system sends to my Exchange mailbox. I was able to play it in the message at one time. Since I re-installed Office I'm not able to find the embedded player. Thanks for your help!



Hi Nick,

I ran into this, and saw your post. Since I actually found the answer, I thought I'd let you know that this function is controlled by the Preferences > View > "Show Attached Movies and Pictures in Messages" checkbox. I think these voice files are considered "movies"...


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