default navigation bar font




hi, how're you doing today!!!

How do I change the default font of a navigation bar (only text buttons)?
It happens to be Time New Roman and I'd like to use Arial instead...

Any suggestion?!

I'd really appreciate it!

Thanks, and have a good day!

Sheila :)


You could change the default fonts throughout the publication, but as you
want to change only the navbar font, just select the text on each button,
and change the font. Do all the buttons on the first page, and the other
pages will change automagically.



what version of publisher are you using? Are you using a template or blank
I find that the nav bar text is determined by the template I use and the
default fonts I use for that publication. To set a default font for a
publication it depends on your version of publisher. I'm not sure you can
set a default for all publications so I've created a template for myself
with all the default settings I like to use.
Sorry I couldn't be more help.


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