Default Save Location



I am trying to launch Word providing it command line parameters for the
document to open (ie /new ) and a default save location, which in my current
situation is a Sharepoint library. InfoPath includes a command line
parameter called 'defaultsavelocation' that automatically defaults the save
dialog to the Sharepoint site and it works as expected. When I provide the
same parameter to Word, it opens the new document I want and then it opens a
second instance of Word with the website I want to save it to. When I go to
save the document I did want to open, it just defaults to 'My Documents'. I
need to be able pass in the save location as opposed to attempting to set
'File Locations' setting from the Tools-->Options menu. Does anyone know how
to do what I'm trying to do?


Since you mentioned the file locations option, I suggest that you can save
the User's options, change them while your code is running, then before you
stop, reset them to the User original settings. I don't know how InfoPath
and Sharepoint work with Word, so maybe this is not your most elegant


Unfortunately, I don't have control over the word doc itself so I can't apply
any macros or vba scripting. Basically, I have a web page that provides
links to commonly used documents that are spread over multiple locations. I
need to be able launch Word, opening the file from it's original location
(which I'm doing via Javascript) but save the newly created document to the
Sharepoint site the page was launched from. Since I don't have control over
the word document itself, I wouldn't be able to modify the save locations
behind the scenes. Thanks for the suggestion though.

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