(I know I should have been able to find this, sorry)
2 forms involved.
frm1 (based on tblPMPrimary)
frm2(based on tblPMResults-created by AppendQuery)
frm1 has append query button to bring up current worklist for location.
frm1 also has button to bring up frm2, which is based on worklist-includes
results and foreign key for tblPMPrimary
The button to bring up frm2 uses equipmentID to link the forms. I need the
worklist Primary Key to be the default value of same field in frm2.
Is there a way to copy value of frm1.PMPrimary(textbox) to frm2.PMPrimary
(textbox)? Currently it just shows '0'?
Thanks so much
2 forms involved.
frm1 (based on tblPMPrimary)
frm2(based on tblPMResults-created by AppendQuery)
frm1 has append query button to bring up current worklist for location.
frm1 also has button to bring up frm2, which is based on worklist-includes
results and foreign key for tblPMPrimary
The button to bring up frm2 uses equipmentID to link the forms. I need the
worklist Primary Key to be the default value of same field in frm2.
Is there a way to copy value of frm1.PMPrimary(textbox) to frm2.PMPrimary
(textbox)? Currently it just shows '0'?
Thanks so much