default time display


Jim Thrash

Is there any way to show the time in daily view, in 15 minute increments
rather than 30 minute increments? I am trying to make multiple appointments
that overlap for training computers. However, when I have 6 appointmens at
10 am, and try to schedule two more for 10:45 am, the ones at 10:45 don't
show up on daily view. I have some technically challenged folks entering
names in these slots, so I need it to be in daily view if at all possible.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

How are you creating the appointments? While you can change the time scale
and it affects the appointment scales, its always 30 min when you open the
form specific ways. You can always type the time in the end field - just
type the numbers, no colon needed: ex. 1145 and it converts to 11:45 am.

Now... there is also a limit to the number you can see in a time period -
the limit on that is 6. but as long as you aren't overlapping times, they
should display.

Jim Thrash

The short version is I'm looking to create four one hour recurring appts at
10am and four one appts at 1100 am. Then I need two 45 min appts at 10am,
two 45 min appts at 1045am and two 45 min appts at 1130.

So, I guess from what you said below, if any of the appointments are during
a specific time period, then I'll only be able to see six. Is that right?
Thanks for your help.

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