Default Timesheet Title (My Timesheet) - Can it be changed?



I am currently evaluating the Timesheet functionality within MOPS 2007. One
thing I have noticed is that each timesheet created has the same default name
("My Timesheet"). I expect that my end users will remark about the ambiguity
of all timesheets having the same name.

Is there a way to modify the default timesheet Title based on a predefined
formula (ex: Prefix + "Timesheet" + Suffix)? Might this be addressed using a
customized Server-Side Event Handler?

Any recommendations are much appreciated.

- Gina Montgomery

Paul Conroy

You have an option to prefix/suffix the timesheet period, but not the name.

The user can however change name of the timesheet once it is created.


You have an option to prefix/suffix the timesheet period, but not the name.

The user can however change name of the timesheet once it is created.

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The "My Timesheet" is a major irritant. You can train your users to
replace this with the period number but inevitably many don't. This
then creates messy and confusing availabilty and usage views.




Thanks, Paul. The timesheet periods were configured using the prefix and
suffix options, which is why I thought there might be a way to do the same
with the default timesheet Title. I understand that the user can change the
title after the timesheet is created, but I would rather automate the process
to reduce messiness caused by lazy (or forgetful) users.

- Gina Montgomery


Thanks, Mike. You confirmed the behavior as I understood it. If this is how
it is, then this is how it is. I will make a best practice recommendation to
the end users when we launch the timesheet functionality. It will be up to
the timesheet managers to remind offending end users to appropriately rename
their timesheets after creation.

- Gina Montgomery

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