Is there some way to make "Page Width" the default view when opening
a document in Word 2004?
New documents or existing documents?
For new default documents, you should be able to open up the Normal
template, set the Zoom, hit the spacebar then backspace to "dirty"
Normal so that Word knows it needs to save something but no text is
entered, save and close Normal. I've not tested this with Page Width,
but it works with other Zoom settings.
For existing documents, you'll need to use an AutoOpen macro, which will
run on every document you open, including those sent from other people,
but not newly created documents:
I *think* this is the code you would need (haven't tested it specifically):
ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Zoom.PageFit = wdPageFitBestFit
To install, see here:
Be sure to name the macro AutoOpen.
I suggest you make a duplicate of your Normal template before
experimenting (it should be at ~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Normal).
Then if anything goes wrong, you can trash the Normal template and bring
back your previous one.