Default Window Sizes


Jim Franklin


Does anyone know if there is a way of changing the size and location of the
default window which opens when you view an object in design view?

For some reason, when I design a table, the window takes up my entire
application window, and when I open a query, the window is wide (off the
edge of the app window) and has very little height.

Just annoying as it means I need to resize these windows every time I design
a table or a query.

Many thanks to anyone who can give me any pointers,

P.S. I am using WinXP/Acc2003

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

Try hitting the save button after you've resized and repositioned your

Jim Franklin

Hi Arvin,

First thing I tried. Doing this with the query design window does seem to
reposition the window (but not save its new size), while it has no effect
whatsoever on the table design window. Tried hitting the SAVE button in
design view, table view, everything!


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