Default WS Settings.



How may I set default WS settings in a XP WS. I want to remove grids
permanently etc. What is the default xxx.XLT WSheet ?. Can I get at it like in Word and modify same ?.
One more for luck, is this what you call a PERSONAL.XLT ???
Many thanks,



David McRitchie

Hi David,

A template file (book.xlt) can be created in your XLSTART folder to
set up your default Headers and Footers, Margins, # of sheets,
gridline (color) etc. for all new blank workbooks. For use when
adding new sheets to existing workbooks you would create a
sheet template (sheet.xlt).

Change the default in your book.xlt

Templates, book.xlt, sheet.xlt, and beyond

For storing macros (program code) you can let Excel create
a personal.xls file for
you in your XLSTART directory, or you can create one yourself.
You can run macros from any workbook that is open without having
to specify the pathname. Basically you would have only one
..xls file in your XLSTART directory as Excel will open every file
in the XLSTART directory. More on macros in
Getting started with macros

Dave Peterson

See another reply at your post in .excel.
How may I set default WS settings in a XP WS. I want to remove grids
permanently etc. What is the default xxx.XLT WSheet ?. Can I get at it like in Word and modify same ?.
One more for luck, is this what you call a PERSONAL.XLT ???
Many thanks,



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