defaulting to old version of Office Apps



I have both 2003 and 2007 versions of Word, Excel, and Access on my computer.
I want to be able to double-click older versions of those files (.doc, .xls,
..mdb) and have them open in the 2003 versions of the apps. Instead, they
open in the 2007 versions. I have gone into Explorer and changed the file
extension "open with" options, but with no success -- they still open in
2007. What am I doing wrong?



I believe that you can right click the application and change via the
properties. However, since I only have 1 version I can't test this to


Nope, that doesn't do it. I right click, then click "open with", then I
migrate to the Office 11 folder and select the Excel 2003 application and
then save all the changes, but the files STILL open with Excel 2007. I think
this is a MS bug. Anyone else have any solutions??

-- Paul

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