Define cell as a condition


Alexandra Lopes


I'm using the Conditional Sum Wizard.I want to set a condition
indicating a cell and not a value. How do I do it?

Thanks in advanced.


Alexandra Lopes

Hello Dave,

I'm using the Conditional Sum:

{=SOMA(SE($C$3:$C$12=D18;$D$3:$D$12;0))},but if I write D18 as the
condition the result is zero...because the formula assumes D18 as a
value, and not as a cell.

David Biddulph

If D18 was a text value it would be surrounded in quote marks.
{=SOMA(SE($C$3:$C$12=D18;$D$3:$D$12;0))} is different from

Dave Peterson

I don't think so.

My bet is that you're trying to compare digits--and the values in C3:C12 and the
value in D18 are different.

Maybe there's a difference you don't see because of the formatting--c3 could
contain 1, but D18 could be 1.0000000000001 (but formatted to show 1).

Maybe the values in C3:C12 are real numbers, but the value in D18 is text that
looks like numbers.

If you put this in a helper range (E3:E12???):
and drag down, do you see any TRUE's?

ps. You may want to look at the equivalent of the English function =sumif().
It doesn't require the array entering (ctrl-shift-enter).

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