Define The Project Wizard



I have just purchased Project 2007 Standard, and am working through a
training using the MS Office Project 2007 Inside Out book.

Both the book, and the Project online help refer to a "Define The Project"
wizard, which is supposed to be available as the first item in the Project
Guide window when creating a new project.

It isn't there. The Project Guide is there, but the first option begins with
"Set a date to schedule from". There is not "Define The Project" hyperlink,
and no wizard.

What am I missing?


Mike Glen

Hi GSHastings ,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

"Set a date to schedule from" is the first option in Project 2003. Check
Help/About Microsoft Project to confirm the version you're using.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP
See for my Project Tutorials

Jim Aksel

Hi G -
Since you are using Project Standard, you may have a slightly different
experience. I am using Project2007 Pro -- the only difference between the
two is Pro lets you link to Project2007 Server. Let's not go there....

That said, I kicked off a new project using the Wizard and sure enough the
first item on the list was "Define Project." I dutifully selected that item
and the "Define Project" wizard is three steps:

1. Define Project Start Date. It defaults to time now. I just hit next.
2. I am asked if I want to update the project using MS Project Server. The
default is "No". You will not have this option becuase you are using Project
Standard, so perhaps this may be a reason why this wizard does not show for
you.... yet I agree with Mike, check your version of project to be sure.
3. Step 3 says click save and finish. It does not save the project file, it
merely populates the information from questions 1 and 2.

The wizard really only buys you one step-- set the project start date. You
can do that yourself by selecting on the menu: Project/Project
Information... You will find the Project Start date automatically defaults
to "today" anyway, you can key another date if you wish.

So, you haven't missed much by skipping that section of the wizard. Please
feel free to post back, I am truly interested in how you like the book and if
it works for you. I may want to buy a copy for my reference library.
If this post was helpful, please consider rating it.


Check out my new blog for more information:


Hi Jim,

Thanks for the reply. I'm at work right now, so I'll have to check the
version when I get home. I did start out with a trial version of Project 2003
that I got with the book "Project 2003 Step by Step" (I think thats the
title). I liked that book a lot. It is a good tutorial.

Then I bought Project 2007 Standard, and I thought I uninstalled 2003.

I know that there are only a few differences between 2003 and 2007, but I
wanted a book that was more of a "reference" resource. So I bought the Inside
Out book.

The first problem with the book was the CD. I went to install what ever is
on it, and it is missing most of the files. It is a defective CD, and that
problem has been known for about a year. MS is sending me a replacement CD,
but it would seem they have continued to publish the book with known bad
CD's. I find it hard to believe the published a years worth of books with bad
CD initially.

The other thing I'm not thrilled with in the book, is the printing. The type
is fairly faint. That, in combination with the small font, makes it a little
tiresome to read under less than perfect lighting conditions.

As I write this, I'm looking at a copy of "Access 2003 Inside Out" which I
have here at the office. The type is fine in it. So I don't know if the faint
type is unique to the Project 2007 publication, or even my particular book.

Other than that, the books seems pretty good. I have barely started it, so
don't have much experience with it so far.



Hi Mike,

Thanks for the reply. I'll have to check on the version. I did start out
with a trial version of 2003, which I got from a CD in a "Step by Step" book.

I then bought 2007, and am pretty sure that I removed 2003. Maybe there are
some residual files from the 2003 installation which is causing some cross

I'll let you know (my installation is at home, and I'm at the office right



Mike and Jim,

Just an FYI.

I checked my version, and I was running 2007. I did a complete uninstall and
cleanup, then reinstall. Also the service pack 1.

Still no Project Wizard. I'm not concerned much about the missing
functionality, which is very minimal. I just have to wonder why the program
isn't as it should be.

Perhaps it is a Pro version feature to pull in the update from Project
Server step. Without the need for that, it might as well start you with the
set schedule date.

If that's so, the online help should state that, and should the Inside Out

FWIW: The Step By Step book had lots of notes and information which is
clearly identified as "Pro" version only material.


Mike Glen

Hi Greg,

Thanks for the feedback. I'm unable to help further as my installation does
as expected. I suppose you're using a full install version and not an
upgrade? Otherwise, it look like you'll just have to accept you

Mike Glen
Project MVP



I am having the same problem. I never had any other version installed before
2007. I have confirmed the version (2007, not pro). All the other wizards are
showing up as expected in the "Task Pane". I realize I can work around this
but it makes me wonder if other things/functionality might be missing as
well. It just doesn't make sense that one wizard is missing.


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