Defined names in charts



I was messing around with Stephen Bullen's special chart

that automatically graphs an equation with no actual x,y's on the
worksheet. I wanted to take it a step further, and use it
automatically graph a function I use in the form of
PIArcVal("807btu15v",x,0,). The function evaluates fine with an =
sign. But using the default Y defined name


all I get is a chart with the first x and y=1 (instead of 1900). Now
if I remove the business with... &"+x*0" I get x and y=1900 (yay!),
except I still only get 1 data point.

Question here: What does the &"+x*0" do? Where does the 1 come from?
Why do you suppose I'd only get 1 point?

Jon Peltier

Alan -

Hate to break this to you. The Chart component in Excel isn't as smart
as the Worksheet component in terms of interpreting names which are
themselves complicated constructed arrays. I presume your UDF puts this
over the top. I've spent hours before coming to this realization. I've
found that it's a tolerable option to put the calculated array into a
worksheet (a hidden one if you want), and chart this, whether directly,
or using a range name to define whatever subset of it you want to chart.

- Jon

Tushar Mehta

As long as your UDF is written to cater to an input value that is more
than a single value (range containing > 1 cells or an array), you can
then use something along the lines of a name:

CallMyUDF1 =myudf({1,2})
CallMyUDF2 =myudf(Sheet1!$B$1:$B$2)

In the next example, G1 indicates which column relative to col. H
contains data for the chart.
CallMyUDF4 =myudf(OFFSET(Sheet1!$H$1,0,Sheet1!$G$1,COUNTA(OFFSET

In the next example, suppose L1 contains the first x-value to be
plotted, L2 the last, and L3 the 'step' size in calculating intervening
x-values. Then the named formulas below give you data for charting:
First =Sheet1!$L$1
Last =Sheet1!$L$2
Step =Sheet1!$L$3
MyXs =TRANSPOSE((ROW(OFFSET(Sheet1!$A$1,0,0,(Last-First)/Step+1,1))-1)
MyYs =myudf(MyXs)

In the last example, suppose we have the number of points to show
(rather than the step size of the previous example). In this case, the
solution becomes:
First =Sheet1!$L$1
Last =Sheet1!$L$2
Count =Sheet1!$L$4
MyXsWithCount =(ROW(OFFSET(Sheet1!$A$1,0,0,Count,1))-1)*(Last-First)/
MyYsWithCount =myudf(TRANSPOSE(MyXsWithCount))


Tushar Mehta
MS MVP Excel 2000-2003
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA tutorials and add-ins
Custom Productivity Solutions leveraging MS Office

Stephen Bullen

Hi Alan,
I was messing around with Stephen Bullen's special chart

that automatically graphs an equation with no actual x,y's on the
worksheet. I wanted to take it a step further, and use it
automatically graph a function I use in the form of
PIArcVal("807btu15v",x,0,). The function evaluates fine with an =
sign. But using the default Y defined name


all I get is a chart with the first x and y=1 (instead of 1900). Now
if I remove the business with... &"+x*0" I get x and y=1900 (yay!),
except I still only get 1 data point.

Question here: What does the &"+x*0" do?

Some of Excel's functions (particularly the trig functions) don't seem
to let Excel know that the result is an array of values, or don't
evaluate the array of x values correctly. I found that adding the +x*0
to the end of the function to be plotted gives Excel enough of a hint
to ensure that the trig functions evaluate the x values as an array and
not a single point.
Where does the 1 come from? Why do you suppose I'd only get 1 point?

I would imagine that your function is not written to be able to handle
arrays for its input variables (which is what the defined names give
it), and returns 1 in that case.


Stephen Bullen
Microsoft MVP - Excel

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