Defining an array



I have a table of questions. Based on a type, a subset of
these questions need to be answered. I would like to be
able to store the answers in an array the size of anywhere
from 15-22.
I do not know how to do this. Any help in defining this
array or examples of an array would be appreciated.


You could look in the Access Help under Array.
You might also like to look at the ReDim command for ideas on changing the
size of an array.

However, arrays are not nearly as commonly used in Access as they are in
some other database applications.
You might consider using a recordset instead.

- Turtle


-----Original Message-----
You could look in the Access Help under Array.
You might also like to look at the ReDim command for ideas on changing the
size of an array.

However, arrays are not nearly as commonly used in Access as they are in
some other database applications.
You might consider using a recordset instead.

- Turtle

Thanks for your post. I have looked under help and it
does not tell me what I need to know.
What do you mena by a recordset? Remember, I am a new user!


Perhaps you could be a bit more specific on what you want to do with this

In Access, an Array is always temporary storage; once you close the
application, your array, and all its data, is gone.

The question of "what is a recordset" is a bit big for a newsgroup post.
You might look for an Access book whose style you like, or take a course at
a community college...

- Turtle


-----Original Message-----
Perhaps you could be a bit more specific on what you want to do with this

In Access, an Array is always temporary storage; once you close the
application, your array, and all its data, is gone.

The question of "what is a recordset" is a bit big for a newsgroup post.
You might look for an Access book whose style you like, or take a course at
a community college...

- Turtle


I need to store the answers (yes/no) to the set of
questions each time they are answered. I will also need to
print these answers at a later date in a report.
For example: Each time I visit a school, I ask them a set
of questions based on the type of school they are. I
record their answers. At a later date I need to print
these questions and answers out on a report.


bikerbabe1 said:
questions each time they are answered. I will also need to
print these answers at a later date in a report.
For example: Each time I visit a school, I ask them a set
of questions based on the type of school they are. I
record their answers. At a later date I need to print
these questions and answers out on a report.


I need to store the answers (yes/no) to the set of
questions each time they are answered. I will also need to
print these answers at a later date in a report.
For example: Each time I visit a school, I ask them a set
of questions based on the type of school they are. I
record their answers. At a later date I need to print
these questions and answers out on a report.

You will need to store this data in a table.
I would think the table might have fields like this:

I would expect your process to be something like this:
Identify the type of school
Identify the questions for this type of school
Create records in the table described above:
one record for each question identified in the last step.
Now when you get your answers, you can populate the records you have
already created.

- Turtle


-----Original Message-----

You will need to store this data in a table.
I would think the table might have fields like this:

I would expect your process to be something like this:
Identify the type of school
Identify the questions for this type of school
Create records in the table described above:
one record for each question identified in the last step.
Now when you get your answers, you can populate the records you have
already created.

- Turtle

I appreciate the advice. I know it may seem elementary to
you, but it is the biggest help to me. Thanks again for
your time.


Glad it helped.
Believe me, I wouldn't be where I am now if I hadn't gotten a lot of answers
from the newsgroups.

- Turtle

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