Defining custom connection point


Sam Huang

Hi all,
A general rectangle has five connection point, four at the corners and
one at the center. Now I want to define my own connection point, maybe
somewhere between the center and the right-bottom corner, how to do

Besides, can I remove an existing connection point from a shape?

David Parker

You can use either the Connection Point Tool (dropdown below the Connector
Tool) or the ShapeSheet.
I prefer the ShapeSheet because you can insert a row and enter relative
formulae for the X and Y location of the point

Philippe C.

I produced our "Hello World" of Visio : a rectangle and a line. Glue
settings : only connection points on. It does not glue.
I think you are speaking about the "box" shape in the "Blocks" stencil.

What I really wanted to tell you was that it is not straightforward to
delete a connection point. You have to select it with the connection point
tool and not with the pointer tool. So select it with the connection point
tool and hit the "Del" button on the keyboard.

Or delete the row in the Shapesheet.

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