Thanks for the response. If I have 5 primary keys and 5 foreign keys, tell me
if they should be linked like this:
[quoted text clipped - 4 lines]
Table 4 PK, relates to the FK of table 5.
Table 5 PK, relates to ?
You're misunderstanding how relationships work.
There isn't a formulaic structure with Table 1 and Table 2 and Table
3. There is NO constraint in Access requiring that one table must
relate to some other specific table.
Instead, your tables should be set up in a "Data Model" in which the
relationships between tables reflect relationships in the real world.
Each table represents a group of Entities (real-life persons, things,
or events), and you need to look at the real world and figure out how
those entities are logically related to one another.
I'm having a little trouble figuring out how the tables will come together
according to my topic. My topic has to do with chicken breeds. My tables so
far are: Table 1 - Chickens, Table 2 - Breeds, Table 3 - Equipment, Table 4 -
Educational Supplies, and Table 5 - Health Supplies. Are these reasonable
tables for taking an inventory of chicken breeds? Will queries be able to
bring these topics together to answer questions?
The only obvious relationship here is between Chickens and Breeds -
each chicken has one and only one breed (assuming that you aren't
hybridizing them), but each Breed value can apply to zero, one, or
many chickens. This would imply that the Breed table has a BreedID (or
you could just use the text breed name as the Primary Key since it's
unique and not likely to change); there would be a matching field in
the Chickens table, either BreedID or the text breed itself, as a
foreign key.
I have NO idea how the other three tables relate to each other, to
chickens, or to breeds. Is a given piece of equipment, or a given item
of Health Supplies, used for a single chicken? for many chickens? Only
for Plymouth Rock Red chickens? or do they have nothing to do with
chickens? WE can't tell you how they are related, because we don't
know your business; hopefully you do, and you can decide how a given
piece of equipment relates to the Entities modeled by your other
John W. Vinson[MVP]