Greg Ghavalas
In VBA I have two columns of data
Colour Number
Green 25
Green 12
Green 7
Blue 8
Blue 9 etc
I want to end up with the average number of Greens,
average number of Blues. I don't know how many of each I
have when I start. I can count them and determine where
green starts and ends. Therefore I can find the average.
My problem is I don't know how to define the start and
end of a variable range to the average function.
I used a cells(i,j)addressing method to find all the
greens and then blues.
I understand programming well, but am fairly new to
object programming. If this is a clear enough
explanation, I would most appreciate a hand.
Colour Number
Green 25
Green 12
Green 7
Blue 8
Blue 9 etc
I want to end up with the average number of Greens,
average number of Blues. I don't know how many of each I
have when I start. I can count them and determine where
green starts and ends. Therefore I can find the average.
My problem is I don't know how to define the start and
end of a variable range to the average function.
I used a cells(i,j)addressing method to find all the
greens and then blues.
I understand programming well, but am fairly new to
object programming. If this is a clear enough
explanation, I would most appreciate a hand.