I am building a protected Word template invoice form (word 2003) and don't
want to insert an Excel spreadsheet for a number of reasons. How do I
reference a cell from a different table in the same document in the
calculation itself? (A4+Table2,B8)??????
Page 1 consists of table 1 and page 2, which is a continuation sheet,
contains table 2. Both tables use row calculations as: D1*E1=total to the
bottom of the page.
At the bottom of page 2, I want to add the cell results for a total for that
page. At the bottom of page 1, I wish to total all cell results in the last
column, carry or pull over the total from page 2, then add both total 1 and
total 2 for a 'grand total'.
I have been successful at compiling calculations in word tables (prior
versions) that add subtotals for a grand total for a number of years and have
never run into any problems. Totals calculate properly... Recently, I have
read in some of the threads from the mvp's that this is a problem with word
tables and you cannot add 'subtotals' that are results of a direct
calculation? Is there a better or different way of getting the correct
totals? (hidden column, direct references, etc?)
My thanks - Lenny
want to insert an Excel spreadsheet for a number of reasons. How do I
reference a cell from a different table in the same document in the
calculation itself? (A4+Table2,B8)??????
Page 1 consists of table 1 and page 2, which is a continuation sheet,
contains table 2. Both tables use row calculations as: D1*E1=total to the
bottom of the page.
At the bottom of page 2, I want to add the cell results for a total for that
page. At the bottom of page 1, I wish to total all cell results in the last
column, carry or pull over the total from page 2, then add both total 1 and
total 2 for a 'grand total'.
I have been successful at compiling calculations in word tables (prior
versions) that add subtotals for a grand total for a number of years and have
never run into any problems. Totals calculate properly... Recently, I have
read in some of the threads from the mvp's that this is a problem with word
tables and you cannot add 'subtotals' that are results of a direct
calculation? Is there a better or different way of getting the correct
totals? (hidden column, direct references, etc?)
My thanks - Lenny