Defualt number formats When Opening CSV Files

  • Thread starter christopher.bowers
  • Start date


I know how to create a template with customized features and formats for when
I create a new workbook or worksheet, but these customized setting do not
seem to apply when I open a file.

I am trying to figure out how to change the default number format when I
open a CSV file. I do want it to be scientific with six significant decimal
places, but I can't seem to figure out a way to do this. I have read quite a
few books and spent several hours searching the internet, but I have come up
empty handed.

How can I accomplish this. By the way, I am running Excel 2003 right now
but upgrading to Excel 2007 next week.

Gord Dibben

Opening a CSV file will not cause Excel to use your customized template.

You would have to copy and paste into a new workbook created from your
template rather than open the CSV file directly.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP



Thanks for your reply, but that is really not what I am after. I already do
what you mentioned, and have others do it, but I am looking for a way to
configure Excel so that copying and pasting values from one worksheet to
another, or reformatting numbers after a CSV file is opened, is not necessary.

There must be a way of doing this, I just have to find the person that knows

Chris Bowers

Gord Dibben

Lotsa luck finding the right person.

As I said...................when opening a CSV file, Excel uses the default
workbook, not your customized template.



So, how do you modify the default settings? If you create a new default
template [book.xls] like I have any settings you change , such as number
styles or fonts, only apply to a new workbook that you create.

Where the settings for a CSV or other textfile that you open directly
[without importing into an existing worksheet] come from I do not know and
cannot seem to find out. I was really hoping that someone from Microsoft
directly would answer this post, as I think that they will be able to provide
the information that I need.

Chris Bowers

Gord Dibben

I doubt very much if anyone from MS is monoitoring these news groups but if
they happened to see your post you would get same reply as I have given.

One more time................when you open a *.csv file directly, Excel will
use the default application workbook.

There is no way to alter that default workbook.

Creating a BOOK.XLT template only ensures that File>New workbooks are based
upon that template.

That template will not be recognized when opening *.csv files.

My only and last suggestion is to create a macro in a new workbook to do
your formatting after the *.csv file is opened.

Save that workbook as an add-in which will load whenever Excel is opened.

Run that macro on the workbook created by the *.csv file.


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