Delayed Selection




Im trying to catch a selection change event from interop.word object model
but it seems to have some strange delay when im getting into a table the
first time such that for:

the first time im getting (-1) which means im not in the table at all
for it works fine (returns the currect data)

any idea why is this strange delay happened?
I tried to use OnXmlChange but there is even worse...



Hi again,

I think I found the bug..
When ever I insert a table into an xml tag
The select event for the table cells is delayed for the first selection of
the table
The result of this behavior is that im getting the wrong data from my table
for the selected cells (i.e. (-1,-1) instead of the correct cells (1,1))

Is there any workaround for this bug?
Or should i put xml tags in each and every cell with the cell data (<row
col>data</row col>)
And by doing that to avoid using the Selection.Information option

Thanks again

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