Delayed Send (Entourage) 1.0



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange

I have downloaded the Delayed Send (Entourage) 1.0 and it is in a plain text format so I cannot add it to my script menu in Entourage. Any Suggestions?

Diane Ross

I have downloaded the Delayed Send (Entourage) 1.0 and it is in a plain text
format so I cannot add it to my script menu in Entourage. Any Suggestions?

I just downloaded it from ScriptBuilders and it's a script as expected. Did
you get the .sit folder? Did you download from another source?


I did get the .sit folder and I am not sure what to do with it now. I put it in the Entourage script folder but it is still not working. Do I need to do something else with it?

Thank you for your help.

Diane Ross

I did get the .sit folder and I am not sure what to do with it now. I put it
in the Entourage script folder but it is still not working. Do I need to do
something else with it?

Did it unstuff? If not download the free version of Stuffit Expander.

In the ReadMe:


• The three AppleScripts in this folder are all needed. Put the ï¬rst
script, Delay Send X \coK, into the Entourage Script Menu Items folder in
the Microsoft User Data folder in the Documents folder of your OS X User
folder ["Home"], so it can be called from the AppleScript menu in Entourage.
Note: The “\coK†at the end of the script name Delay Send X \coK enables the
keyboard shortcut - see below. Don’t remove it if you want to use the

• Put the other two scripts, Check Date and Send X and SendWhenLib X
scripts anywhere at all. I recommend keeping them, and this ReadMe, in the
“Delayed Send X†folder which you downloaded, and putting the folder into
the Microsoft User Data folder in Documents folder, where you can ï¬nd it
easily. (There is no point cluttering up your Script Menu with these
scripts: The Check Date and Send X script can be run at any time you wish
from its schedule, and the script library cannot be run at all, just
accessed from other scripts.)

• Now set up a new SCHEDULE in Tools menu –> Schedules: you must call it
Check Date since the scripts turn it on and off as needed and would error if
they can’t ï¬nd a Schedule of the correct name. Set-up is as follows: When:
At Startup, and optionally also on any Repeating or Timed Schedule you wish
(if you ever schedule speciï¬c times for your Delayed or Repeat messages,
then I’d recommend that you add a Repeating Schedule every 60 or 30
minutes). Set its Action to Run AppleScript and navigate to the Check Date
and Send X script, wherever it may be: in the “Delayed Send X†folder in the
Microsoft User Data folder if you tool my advice above. When that is done,
un-check the “Enabled†box in the bottom left-hand corner of the Check Date
Schedule window: the Schedule will be automatically enabled by one script
when it’s needed, and turned off by the other when it’s no longer needed.

• Before you can use them, you need to “initialize†the two scripts as
follows: ï¬rst, select Delay Send X in Entourage’s AppleScript menu. You will
immediately get a navigation “choose file†window asking you to find
(navigate to) the SendWhenLib X script, wherever that may be: in the Delayed
Send X folder in the Microsoft User Data folder if you took my advice. You
will never have to do this again (unless you mess around with the script by
recompiling it in a script editor, or move the SendWhenLib X script from its
location which you have just tracked).

• You will now get a dialog window that informs you that it knows that
your Short Date setting in your computer’s Date & Time control panel is
Month/Day/Year, or Day/Month/Year, or Year/Month/Day. (If you have some
weird custom order, the script can’t work, and will tell you so, then quit.)
It will be correct, or your money back. It also tells you that you MUST use
the identical order as in your control panel for month, day, year when
entering dates in the script’s boxes. And you must, if you want messages to
be sent out on the correct date. It doesn’t matter whether or not you
include leading zeros for day or month (“1†or “01†will both work
correctly), or even 4-digit years - although 2-digits (“00†for “2000†) are
expected - nor whether you use slashes “/ “ dashes “ - †or dots (periods)
“.†as separators, although / slashes are always used as examples. You can
just use the system you always use, as in your Date & Time control panel
preferences. You will never see this dialog again, now that the scripts know
your date set-up (unless you recompile one of the scripts in a script

• Now, select Tools menu –> Run Schedule –> Check Date. Once again, you’ll
be asked to navigate to the SendWhenLib X script, but it will be easy this
time (in OS 8.6. and 9 especially): the path will be preselected from the
last time. Now the Check Date scheduled script can access the various
preferences (including the all-important Date Format you have just
processed) which you enter in the Delay Send X script. (Explanations can be
found in the “How the Scripts Work†section below, for those interested.)
Again, you’ll never need to navigate anywhere from here again, now that the
scripts know where the script library is (unless you recompile, or move the
SendWhenLib X script).

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