Delaying sending message


Francis Hookham

A PC friend is thinking of changing (back) to Mac.

He wants to know if a unsent message can be delayed to a specific date/time
when it will then automatically sent at the time set. He says he can do that
in the PC world but I cannot find that facility in Entourage.

Can you help?


Francis Hookham

Michel Bintener

Entourage does not have such a feature, but Outlook has. Nevertheless, the
same functionality can be achieved in Entourage through a script:


The readme file that comes with the script gives you detailed instructions
on how to proceed.

A PC friend is thinking of changing (back) to Mac.

He wants to know if a unsent message can be delayed to a specific date/time
when it will then automatically sent at the time set. He says he can do that
in the PC world but I cannot find that facility in Entourage.

Can you help?


Francis Hookham

Michel Bintener
Microsoft MVP
Office:Mac (Entourage & Word)

***Always reply to the newsgroup.***

Francis Hookham

I am most grateful for the prompt reply - I'll pass your email on and have a
look myself although I have never dipped my toe in the scripting water -
shame after over 20 years of Mac! (Too busy with VBA in XL)

Thanks again


Diane Ross

First you don't have to write or understand scripts to use AppleScripts.

In the Menu Bar for Entourage, you will see the script icon. Pull down on
the Script icon and you will see the scripts that have been installed with
Entourage. These scripts are found in the Entourage Script Menu Items
located in the Documents/Microsoft User Data Folder:

By default, this menu includes several scripts that you can use to create a
task, note, or other type of item from a message that you select. To run a
script from the script menu, select the script.

You can add scripts. Just drop a script into the Entourage Script Menu Items
folder within the Microsoft User Data folder. You can also add up to sixteen
subfolders inside of the Entourage Script Menu Items folder, if you use a
lot of scripts and want to organize them. Additional scripts can be found at
the here.

Scriptbuilders <>

Favorite Scripts to use with Entourage


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