good day all,
What I am trying to do is delete a record from a message box, perform a
requery then allow me to add a new record.
below is my code that I am using, the after update is on a lookup on
tblinventory to add the inventory item to my invoice, but I am trying to set
up a custom Message Box with record delete only if the orderid from the
tblinventory matches the orderid from a record that is currently in my
tblinvoicedetails, is this possible?
the main form is frminvoices with frminvoicedetailssubform if this helps...
Begin Code:
Private Sub cboordnum_AfterUpdate()
If Me.orderid = Me.orderid Then
If MsgBox("Duplicate Record?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
CurrentDb.Execute "DELETE FROM qryinvoicedetails WHERE OrderID = " &
Me.orderid = Me.cboordnum.Column(1)
Me.DesignNumber = Me.cboordnum.Column(2)
Me.DesignName = Me.cboordnum.Column(3)
Me.Quality = Me.cboordnum.Column(4)
Me.Size = Me.cboordnum.Column(5)
Me.SqFt = Me.cboordnum.Column(6)
Me.PricePerSqFoot = Me.cboordnum.Column(7)
Me.TotalPrice = Me.cboordnum.Column(8)
Me.shippingcost = Me.cboordnum.Column(9)
Me.invoicetype = Me.Parent.Form!invoicetype
Me.clientname = Me.Parent.Form!cbocompanyinfo.Column(1)
End If
End If
End Sub
End Code:
What I am trying to do is delete a record from a message box, perform a
requery then allow me to add a new record.
below is my code that I am using, the after update is on a lookup on
tblinventory to add the inventory item to my invoice, but I am trying to set
up a custom Message Box with record delete only if the orderid from the
tblinventory matches the orderid from a record that is currently in my
tblinvoicedetails, is this possible?
the main form is frminvoices with frminvoicedetailssubform if this helps...
Begin Code:
Private Sub cboordnum_AfterUpdate()
If Me.orderid = Me.orderid Then
If MsgBox("Duplicate Record?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
CurrentDb.Execute "DELETE FROM qryinvoicedetails WHERE OrderID = " &
Me.orderid = Me.cboordnum.Column(1)
Me.DesignNumber = Me.cboordnum.Column(2)
Me.DesignName = Me.cboordnum.Column(3)
Me.Quality = Me.cboordnum.Column(4)
Me.Size = Me.cboordnum.Column(5)
Me.SqFt = Me.cboordnum.Column(6)
Me.PricePerSqFoot = Me.cboordnum.Column(7)
Me.TotalPrice = Me.cboordnum.Column(8)
Me.shippingcost = Me.cboordnum.Column(9)
Me.invoicetype = Me.Parent.Form!invoicetype
Me.clientname = Me.Parent.Form!cbocompanyinfo.Column(1)
End If
End If
End Sub
End Code: