Homer J. Simpson Instructor at Large
Anyone have input on the following?
A user has delegate access to their manager's calendar. They can add,
delete, etc appointments. When they make a change to a meeting time and save
changes, all the attendees get the updated information, but outlook does not
update the changed meeting time in the manager's calendar. There seems to be
some periodic problems with changing of the meeting content, upon saving
attendees get the revised information but it sometimes does not update the
meeting content in the manager's calendar. Anyone have wierd delegate issues
like this?
A user has delegate access to their manager's calendar. They can add,
delete, etc appointments. When they make a change to a meeting time and save
changes, all the attendees get the updated information, but outlook does not
update the changed meeting time in the manager's calendar. There seems to be
some periodic problems with changing of the meeting content, upon saving
attendees get the revised information but it sometimes does not update the
meeting content in the manager's calendar. Anyone have wierd delegate issues
like this?