Mike F --
As you already know, there is no Surrogate My Tasks functionality built into
Project Server 2007 like the Surrogate Timesheet functionality. If the PM
wants to go to all the bother, he/she can do the following to temporarily
serve as the My Tasks page surrogate for a team member:
1. Open a project in which you want to become a My Tasks surrogate.
2. Click View - Resource Usage or View - Task Usage.
3. Temporarily insert the Assignment Owner field.
4. For the task assignments on which you want to become the surrogate,
click the Assignment Owner pick list and choose your own name.
5. Click File - Save and then File - Publish.
By completing the above set of steps, the PM can now enter actuals on the
task assignments for which he/she is the temporary assignment owner. To
give ownership of the task assignments back to the original assigned
resource, the PM must complete the above set of steps again and set the
resource as the assignment owner. Hope this helps.