Delegation Issues



my Team leaders are having trouble with delegations. here is a scenario
that needs a solution. a PM assigns a task to the Team leader. the team
leader then delegates this tasks to one of his team members and selects that
he will take the lead role. now once this task has been completed by the team
member, he updates the actuals and clicks update. after this, the TEAM LEADER
should be able to enter additional NOTES into the task and send it back to
the PM. but he is unable to enter any more information into the task as the
system says that it is a delegated task and notes cannot be entered. shouldnt
it be possible for the Team Leader to enter notes AFTER he gets the task back
from his resource sayin it is 100% complete. please help


Dale Howard [MVP]

schemr --

I do not believe it is possible to add Notes to a delegated task, as you
have already determined. In the Lead Role on a delegated task, the Team
Leader can only update the update the delegated task actuals to the PM, but
cannot add a Note. Sorry.

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