Delet Option Grayed Out in Rules


Lady Veteran

I have Outlook 2003 running on windows XP. some of my rules cannot be
deleted because the delete option is grayed out. How can I get rid of
these and start over?

I have tried repair, reinstallation and nothing has worked. Can anyone
tell me where are the rules are stored in the program so I can delete
them manually?



Diane Poremsky [MVP]

They are hidden in the mailbox - you can delete them with MFCMapi or use the
c;leanrules switch if you want to remove all.

What type of email account do you have? How many accounts?

Lady Veteran

They are hidden in the mailbox - you can delete them with MFCMapi or use the
c;leanrules switch if you want to remove all.

What type of email account do you have? How many accounts?

I have about six accounts. They are all POP3. Can you explain that a
little bit? I am not a programmer. Where do I get this MFS Mapi and
how do I use it?



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