Chieko Kuroda
Hello Everyone
Thanks for all of the help that all of you provide. It has saved endless hours of searching the web for information
I have been trying to think of a way to use a command button on a form that contains fields from three tables to delete a child recordset but the only thing that I came up with is sql language that goes something like this
Delete dbo_picuadmission
where PAdmitID = Me.PAdmitI
Does MS Access provide an automated method for deleting child recordsets in a form
Thanks again
Thanks for all of the help that all of you provide. It has saved endless hours of searching the web for information
I have been trying to think of a way to use a command button on a form that contains fields from three tables to delete a child recordset but the only thing that I came up with is sql language that goes something like this
Delete dbo_picuadmission
where PAdmitID = Me.PAdmitI
Does MS Access provide an automated method for deleting child recordsets in a form
Thanks again