Delete all AutoComplete contacts



How can I delete ALL addresses from the AutoComplete list? It is very time
consuming and very user-unfriendly to delete them individually.


Time consuming? highlighting with the arrow keys and using Delete Btn
Turn of the autocomplete/ suggest names function
Locate & delete the 'username'.nk2 file


Thanks for your reply!

Time consuming, yes -- I have about a thousand entries in autocomplete,
including several multiples for a person, some of which are years out of
date. To check all of these for what is current would be very time consuming.
Also, there are hundreds of entries I will never use again. And as for
user-unfriendly, every time you delete an entry, it goes back to the top of
the list.

Could not find the username file you suggested (did search of all files
folders containing username). If I do locate it, should I delete the whole
file, or just the contents?

K. Orland

Did you search hidden files & folders? You can either delete the entire file
or rename it, eg adding _old to the end of it.


I have found outlook.nk2 (no username.nk2). However I believe outlook.nk2
contains the data in question. How can I open outlook.nk2?


'username' is your Documents & Settings 'user name' where outlook folders
are stored for your Profile Profile
Try searching for *.nk2 to include hidden, delete the complete file, it will
be recreated, empty.
It cannot contain 'thousands of entries' as there is a limit on the number,
only third party tools can open it for editing

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