Delete all Relationships


Denise Pollock


I am trying to automate the database update process. I created a macro to
delete all the tables in the database. However since there are linked tables
it stops part way through. From browsing other questions I found the code
below to delete all my relationships. I have no inkling whatsever on how to
use VBA. I opened a module and pasted this code in there. But when I try to
use the runcode in my macro this string is not available. How do I get this
into a macro?

Sub KillAllRelations()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rel As Relation
Dim inti As Integer
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
For inti = db.Relations.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
Set rel = db.Relations(inti)
Debug.Print "Deleting relation "; rel.Name, rel.Table,
db.Relations.Delete rel.Name
Next inti
End Sub

Thanks in advance,

Denise Pollock

Sorry there are no linked tables, I meant to say the code won't run because
of the existing relationships.

Douglas J. Steele

Why would you need to delete all of the tables? Simply create a new

I'm suspecting that your application isn't split into a front-end
(containing the queries, forms, reports, macros and modules), linked to a
back-end (containing the tables and relationships) as it should be.

With that setup, you can delete the linked tables from the front-end
database: they're simply pointers to the real tables in the back-end.

Denise Pollock

I already tried to split it to a front end back end database. It lagged up
the database so bad it took 5 mins to open each form. So instead of linking
the tables. I want to create one button that I can press that will delete
all the relationships, delete all the tables then open the import window. If
you can tell me how to make the linked database work without taking so long
to open forms I am fine with that too. Its being accessed over a server by
over 50 members. It was fine when I was testing it on my desktop but as soon
as I moved it to the server it was too slow.

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