Delete default header line?


Scott Heath

When I send a letter, Entourage adds a few lines to the top with Subject:.
Date:, From:, To:, Conversation:, and Category:. The last two seem useless,
and pick up their values from Subject and Directory. Is there a way to
remove them?
Entourage 2004 11.4.0 (080122)
OSX 10.4.11
Mac 1.42GHz PPC G4 1GB RAM

Diane Ross

Sorry, the answer is no. Entourage's printing has always been problematic
for size etc. Send Microsoft feedback and let them know you want to see

As a workaround, you could try....

Copy the e-mail into a "text editor" to select font and size.

Select All. Copy the text in the email and paste it into a text editor like
the default application, TextEdit or Microsoft Word. If you need more
details, under Message in the Menu bar select "Source." copy source and

For more help with print questions see:

Print FAQs <>

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