Delete empty styles from document


Herold Winter

I am creating new documents with Mail Merge.
I am using different texts and styles depending on if-
construnctions. As a result i get a lot of empty styles.
How can i remove these empty styles ?

Example of Merge if-construction:
{ If {MERGFIELD No_} = "0" "{MERGEFIELD Name}" ""}

Word Heretic

G'day "Herold Winter" <[email protected]>,

something similar to

for each para in activedoc.paras
select case
case "ThisOne", "ThatOne",...
if len(para.text)....

I am creating new documents with Mail Merge.
I am using different texts and styles depending on if-
construnctions. As a result i get a lot of empty styles.
How can i remove these empty styles ?

Example of Merge if-construction:
{ If {MERGFIELD No_} = "0" "{MERGEFIELD Name}" ""}

Steve Hudson

Word Heretic, Sydney, Australia
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