Delete exclusion data from original query



I have a question about how do I eliminate data from a query. I have 7 tables that I’m pulling information from. 1 of those table is and exclusion table. If we find matching data from my original query in the exclusion table, I am to eliminate it from my report. How do I do this. Do I use a subquery?

John Vinson

I have a question about how do I eliminate data from a query. I have 7 tables that I’m pulling information from. 1 of those table is and exclusion table. If we find matching data from my original query in the exclusion table, I am to eliminate it from my report. How do I do this. Do I use a subquery?

A "Frustrated Outer Join" query - which the "Unmatched Query Wizard"
will build for you - is the best bet in this case.

Join the "exclude" table to your Query; select the join line and
choose option 2 - "show all data in <your main table> and matching
records in <exclude table>". Select *only* the joining field from the
Exclude table, and put a criterion on it of


This will accept only those main-table records which do *not* have a
matching record.

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