Melody said:
Hello, I need the expertise of a programmer...
All of the experts are busy assisting other clients.
Please stay on the line and the next available expert will be with you shortly.
Your call is important to us and will be answered in the order it was received.
Would you settle for some help by a beginner?
I loaded office and Access didn't load correctly... I started to
build a db and named the db but program didn't act
accordingly... I deleted the files and started again but
the file paths remain and I can't delete them? I
uninstalled Office and reinstalled it and the .mdb titles
are still in place??? Could someone please tell me how to
delete them... be safe and have a prosperous day.
By your explanation you must be referring to the Most Recently Used (MRU) list of Access files that
appears in the startup screen, correct? With other Office applications it is pretty easy to clear
this list, but with Access there is no UI place to do this (I think). What Access version are you
To remove these items you can delete the associated registry items. However, do this at your risk so
please be careful!!
1. Warning--Back up your registry first!! Don't say you weren't warned! Proceed at your own risk! If
you are not comfortable moving around the Registry Editor, please find somehow nearby who is.
2. Go to the Registry Editor (Start--Run--Regedit)
3. Navigate to the following area:
The 8.0 will probably be different depending upon your Access version. I have Access 97 in front of
me at the moment so that is 8.0. For Access 2000 it will be 9.0, Access 2002 it will be 10.0, and
2003 it will be 11.0. Make sure you are in the right area.
4. You will see many things on the right side of the screen now. Scroll down the list on the right
side until you come to some options like MRU1 "C:\My Documents\MyFile.mdb" (that is just an
example). You will probably see MRU1, MRU2, MRU3, and MRU4 with the names and paths of the now
deleted files. Single click on one line to highlight it. A message box will appear asking if you are
sure you want to delete it. Make sure you are ONLY deleting the items that show the path to these
deleted database files! Press "Yes" to confirm the deletion. Continue with any others listed.
5. Close the Registry Editor and then open Access. The startup screen should not display those past
paths and database files now.
Good luck.