I'm trying to delete several folders with vba code. At
any given time, the folders may or may not contain files
or subfolders. The files or subfolders may or may not be
read only. But none of them should be in use. The folder
that I'm trying to delete is not readonly, and I have full
security permissions on it. No one else is using these
folders or files.
I tried writing a sub using rmdir:
Public Sub KillDir(strPathName As String)
If Right(strPathName, 1) <> "\" Then
strPathName = strPathName & "\"
End If
Kill strPathName & "*.*"
RmDir strPathName
End Sub
Besides the fact that it needs to allow for the
possibility that the folder might not contain any files,
it can't handle subfolders, and it's giving me an error on
rmdir: "Run-Time error '75': Path/File access error". I
also tried giving it the path without the final "\", but
that gave the same error. I also tried
inserting "chdir "C:\" just before rmdir in case Excel had
it set as the current directory, but that didn't help
Then I tried a different code (I have a reference set to
Microsoft Scripting Runtime):
Public Sub KillFolder(strPathName As String)
Dim FSO As Object
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
FSO.DeleteFolder strPathName, force:=True
End Sub
That one gives me "Run-time error '76': Path not found" if
strPathName ends with a "\" and "Run-time error '70':
Permission denied" if it doesn't.
I tried writing it a little differently:
Public Sub KillFolder(strPathName As String)
Dim FSO As FileSystemObject
Set FSO = New FileSystemObject
FSO.DeleteFolder strPathName, force:=True
End Sub
but that worked exactly the same.
I also tried manually deleting the folder with a right
click (which usually works), but until I close Excel, I
get an error there too: "Error Deleting File or Folder
Cannot remove folder [folder name]: There has been a
sharing violation. The source or destination file may be
in use."
All I want to do is delete the !@#$%^&* folders and
files! What am I doing wrong??? How can I make this
any given time, the folders may or may not contain files
or subfolders. The files or subfolders may or may not be
read only. But none of them should be in use. The folder
that I'm trying to delete is not readonly, and I have full
security permissions on it. No one else is using these
folders or files.
I tried writing a sub using rmdir:
Public Sub KillDir(strPathName As String)
If Right(strPathName, 1) <> "\" Then
strPathName = strPathName & "\"
End If
Kill strPathName & "*.*"
RmDir strPathName
End Sub
Besides the fact that it needs to allow for the
possibility that the folder might not contain any files,
it can't handle subfolders, and it's giving me an error on
rmdir: "Run-Time error '75': Path/File access error". I
also tried giving it the path without the final "\", but
that gave the same error. I also tried
inserting "chdir "C:\" just before rmdir in case Excel had
it set as the current directory, but that didn't help
Then I tried a different code (I have a reference set to
Microsoft Scripting Runtime):
Public Sub KillFolder(strPathName As String)
Dim FSO As Object
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
FSO.DeleteFolder strPathName, force:=True
End Sub
That one gives me "Run-time error '76': Path not found" if
strPathName ends with a "\" and "Run-time error '70':
Permission denied" if it doesn't.
I tried writing it a little differently:
Public Sub KillFolder(strPathName As String)
Dim FSO As FileSystemObject
Set FSO = New FileSystemObject
FSO.DeleteFolder strPathName, force:=True
End Sub
but that worked exactly the same.
I also tried manually deleting the folder with a right
click (which usually works), but until I close Excel, I
get an error there too: "Error Deleting File or Folder
Cannot remove folder [folder name]: There has been a
sharing violation. The source or destination file may be
in use."
All I want to do is delete the !@#$%^&* folders and
files! What am I doing wrong??? How can I make this