Delete Non-identical but Similar Records



I use spreadsheets that list payments by check number, but each check number
and amount is repeated multiple times, once for every voucher that is paid on
that check. I want to keep only one record per check number, since all I care
about is the check number, amount and date. Techniques for filtering unique
records don't work because the multiple entries against each check number are
each unique because they reference different vouchers. Any suggestions?


Try using a pivot table, select the entire worksheet, and, in layout drag
Check #, amount and date buttons to the left side and to the right drag Check
# button again. Make sure you see Count of Check # on that button. If not,
doble click the button and change from sum to count. Click on finish. When
you get the new report, hide the subtotals. You'll be able to get each check
once. Just copy and paste the data as value and "give it color"


While waiting for a response, I experimented some more on my own, and arrived
at another solution. I created a formula in an adjacent column:
=IF((M3=M2),"dup",""), where M is the column containing check numbers, then
filtered for blanks.

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