Delete option "grayed out" in table



My first database, these groups have been superb. Learned lots, like
"don't name a field "date" in a table. Of course I learned it too
late. Had to start over.

Once again I've snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Had my form
& database completed but I wanted to add some security so that users
couldn't change things. Messed around with security features and gave
up. Found that creating an .mde file solved some of the issues.

THE PROBLEM: Now I can't delete any records in the table in the .mdb
database. Is it a permission issue? I believe I have everything set
to the way it was before I messed around with it. No logon is asked
for when entering the database. Even so "admin" has all the
permissions available to it.

Any help available to the mentally decrepit will be appreciated.

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