Hi Christopher:
In Word, please go to the Word menu and choose the About Word item. To
answer your questions properly, I need all of the numbers on the "Version"
Similarly, in the Finder, from the Apple menu About item, the Version,
Processor and Memory items are very handy.
These forums support more than 20 different versions of Word, and the same
number of operating systems. Kinda like asking "Why does my car run rough?"
It might be "dirty spark plugs", but if it has a diesel engine, it won't
have any spark plugs... Those numbers make a difference.
To get back to the question you originally asked: The headers and footers
do not create "pages" in Word. The "pages" create the headers and footers.
"Something" is creating an extra page. We need to find out what it is. A
Word file does not contain any pages: pages are generated on the fly when
Word displays or prints the document, but they on;t exist in the file.
The file contains text. When Word displays or prints that file, it arranges
the text until it hs a page full, then creates another page, and continues
like that until it has arranged all the text.
Unless you know where to find the Click and Type Option and turn it off,
when you double-click in a blank space, Word fills the space before where
you clicked with hidden characters. It's one of the more inane features
that was added by someone who did not understand how Word works, but we're
stuck with it now.
Now you need to turn on the display of hidden characters so you can see this
junk and get rid of it.
Give me proper version numbers of your software so I know what you are using
and I can tell you how to do all this.
In the meantime, you may care to have a quick read of this:
Don't spend too much time on it: there are some slight differences between
Mac Word and PC Word, but it will give you a good understanding of how this
thing works, so the mysterious things happening on your screen will all make
Then grab a copy of this:
That's a handy quick-reference about Word that should never be far from your
I am using a macbook and I have microsoft word.
When I double click on the second page, a header and footer is there. I think
the reason why I cant delete the second page is because I have to delete the
header and footer. I also deleted everything in the header and footer. The
answer to your section break I couldnt find. I checked format and paragraphs
and there was a section called line and page breaks. Let me know if that is
Don't wait for your answer, click here:
Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.
John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac
Sydney, Australia. mailto:
[email protected]