Delete paragraph at bookmark


Angie M.


I'm using Word 2003. I have a bookmark named "bkDelivery". I'm using a
userform that collects info from users, one of the fields collects delivery
information but it is optional. If the user doesn't select a delivery I want
the paragraph to be deleted in the document.

In searching this topic I read that you should put all the bookmarks on the
same line, which I have done in all the places where this works. But, this
delivery paragraph has special formatting so it has to stand alone.

Can anyone help with a code snip for this? Help is much appreciated.


I suggest you post in a newsgroup or forum that deals with the program you
are using - FrontPage is not Word. Bookmark/paragraph deletion in a
FrontPage document (aka web page) will require JavaScript - which is
unlikely to run in Word.

Ron Symonds
Microsoft MVP (Expression Web)

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