Delete project from DOC


Boris D.

How can I delete project from a DOC ?
I want to do it before SAVE AS to NOT to reproduce docs
with VBA


VBA code modules are normally attached to the template, not the document.
Unless you have deliberately added VBA components to the document itself,
you don't have a problem.

But in any case, you can refer to, and remove, the components of a VBA
project via the document's VBProject property --

with ActiveDocument.VBProject.VBComponents
.Remove .Item("Module1")
end with


Thank you really
But if the Project is protected I have an protection Error.
How can I unprotect the Project first ?


I've never found a way to do that from VB or VBA. In principle you should be
able to use SendKeys to provide the password; I've never managed to get that
to work. Easier is to keep the code in the template or in an add-in; then
the problem doesn't arise in the first place.

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