Do you want to permanently remove the data from Discount-tbl? That is
what a DELETE query would do.
There has to be some field (or Fields) in Discount-Delete-Qry-00 that
will identify which record(s) in Discount-tbl are associated with each
record in Discount-Delete-Qry-00.
Once you tell us that information, someone should be able to help you
build a delete query to delete the desired records.
BEFORE you run the query, I would advise you to backup the data so if
the query does not work as desired you can get back to where you started.
John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County
i want to include all the data from [discount-tbl] and only the data that
match from [discount-delete-qry-00 ]
Ο χÏήστης "bhicks11 via" ÎγγÏαψε:
How are the Discount-tbl and discount-delete-qry-00 related?
angie wrote:
i have entered the following sql statement:
WHERE ((([Discount-delete-qry-00].Expr2) Is Null));
i want to delete only the records that are not contained in
i get the message pls select the table you want to delete records from.
what have i done wrong?