Delete Query Not Working


Kathy G

I have created a delete query that seems to work -- the datasheet view
indicates the correct critera was used. But, when running the error "cannot
delete from table" appears. Upon help it states that the database was opened
in the "read only" mode.
This is a database recently convered from Access 97. I thought that with
Access 2007 I would automatically be signed as Admin and have full access to
the database -- I cannot figure out how to check to see what security level
I'm signing on as. I am the only one to open up the converted database thus
far. I made several changes to the database successfully. But will not let
me delete using a query.
Any help??!

Dirk Goldgar

Kathy G said:
I have created a delete query that seems to work -- the datasheet view
indicates the correct critera was used. But, when running the error
delete from table" appears. Upon help it states that the database was
in the "read only" mode.
This is a database recently convered from Access 97. I thought that with
Access 2007 I would automatically be signed as Admin and have full access
the database -- I cannot figure out how to check to see what security
I'm signing on as. I am the only one to open up the converted database
far. I made several changes to the database successfully. But will not
me delete using a query.
Any help??!

Check to see if you can delete records just by opening up tables in
datasheet view and deleting records manually. If you can, then the database
is not read-only and you don't have a permissions problem. In that case,
please post the SQL of your delete query. Maybe there's something about it
that is preventing Access from deleting records. I've known that to happen
when the query joins multiple tables and Access can't determine which
table's records should be deleted.

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