delete range using VBA


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I get a daily report from an outside vendor which I copy and paste into my
On columns AH and AI, I have added formulas to determine if the payment is
late and the amount due
I want to delete the range starting in row 5 to column AG till the last row
that has information. I do not want to delete the formulas on column AH
and AI so they will calculate. I tried
Sub Clear141()
' Clear141 Macro

Range("A5:AG3424" & Count).Select
End Sub
This seems to work but is it the best way to do it.

Mike H


As a general rule there is rarely; if ever, any need to select a range to do
something and not necessary in this case. Try this

Sub Clear141()
Dim LastRow as Long
lastrow = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "AG").End(xlUp).Row
Range("A5:AG" & lastrow).ClearContents
End Sub


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