Delete Record from Command Button

  • Thread starter ladybug via
  • Start date

ladybug via

I have a command button in a subform. The subform is set to continuous. I
have this in the OnClick Event Procedure:

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL ("DELETE * FROM dbo_sds_dir_route WHERE RouteID = forms!rm_route!

I want when the button is clicked the corresponding entry on the continuous
subform is deleted. Can someone help me? This code is not deleting the

Vincent Verheul

You may try something like this:

Private Sub DelButton_Click()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = Me.Recordset
If Not rs.AbosolutePosition = -1 Then rs.Delete
Set rs = Nothing
End Sub

Assuming that your the delete button is called DelButton, this routine is
invoked when you click on it.

ladybug via

I tried that and I recvd a Compile Error and it highlighted Absolute Position

Vincent said:
You may try something like this:

Private Sub DelButton_Click()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = Me.Recordset
If Not rs.AbosolutePosition = -1 Then rs.Delete
Set rs = Nothing
End Sub

Assuming that your the delete button is called DelButton, this routine is
invoked when you click on it.
I have a command button in a subform. The subform is set to continuous. I
have this in the OnClick Event Procedure:
[quoted text clipped - 9 lines]
subform is deleted. Can someone help me? This code is not deleting the

Vincent Verheul

AbosolutePosition is ONE word

ladybug via said:
I tried that and I recvd a Compile Error and it highlighted Absolute

Vincent said:
You may try something like this:

Private Sub DelButton_Click()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = Me.Recordset
If Not rs.AbosolutePosition = -1 Then rs.Delete
Set rs = Nothing
End Sub

Assuming that your the delete button is called DelButton, this routine is
invoked when you click on it.
I have a command button in a subform. The subform is set to continuous.
have this in the OnClick Event Procedure:
[quoted text clipped - 9 lines]
subform is deleted. Can someone help me? This code is not deleting the

ladybug via

Sorry I had it correct in the code. I did not mean to put a space in my
comment above. I received the error from your code as is.

Vincent said:
AbosolutePosition is ONE word
I tried that and I recvd a Compile Error and it highlighted Absolute
[quoted text clipped - 17 lines]

Vincent Verheul

There was a typo in my code example: it says AbOsolutePosition which should
have been AbsolutePosition

Vincent Verheul said:
AbosolutePosition is ONE word

ladybug via said:
I tried that and I recvd a Compile Error and it highlighted Absolute

Vincent said:
You may try something like this:

Private Sub DelButton_Click()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = Me.Recordset
If Not rs.AbosolutePosition = -1 Then rs.Delete
Set rs = Nothing
End Sub

Assuming that your the delete button is called DelButton, this routine is
invoked when you click on it.

I have a command button in a subform. The subform is set to continuous.
have this in the OnClick Event Procedure:
[quoted text clipped - 9 lines]
subform is deleted. Can someone help me? This code is not deleting

ladybug via

Perfect! One thing I did notice. It will only let me remove one record at
a time.

Once I click the button the record is deleted. If I select another record
and click the button nothing happens. If I close the form and then open it,
I can then click the button and remove the second record. Is there somewhere
in the code that I can refresh or something? Thank you for all your help!

Vincent said:
There was a typo in my code example: it says AbOsolutePosition which should
have been AbsolutePosition
AbosolutePosition is ONE word
[quoted text clipped - 20 lines]

Vincent Verheul

When you add a Command button and use the Wizzard to create a 'Delete
Record' button you'll get the following code:

Private Sub DelRec_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_DelRec_Click

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSelectRecord
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_DelRec_Click
End Sub

That works fine on my computer, also with multiple deletes after another
without having to close the form.

ladybug via said:
Perfect! One thing I did notice. It will only let me remove one record
a time.

Once I click the button the record is deleted. If I select another record
and click the button nothing happens. If I close the form and then open
I can then click the button and remove the second record. Is there
in the code that I can refresh or something? Thank you for all your help!

Vincent said:
There was a typo in my code example: it says AbOsolutePosition which
have been AbsolutePosition
AbosolutePosition is ONE word
[quoted text clipped - 20 lines]

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