Delete Resource vs Deactivate Account


Michael Gonzalez

In Project Serverf 2003, you can de-activate accounts from the User
admin page. You can also "delete" resources from the Clean-up project
server database.

I understand that you do not compltely delete resources, however what
is the difference between the two options? Which is a best practice
when employees leave the organization.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Dale Howard [MVP]

Michael --

If you deactivate a resource, the resource is left in the Enterprise
Resource Pool as a deactivated resource. At some later date, should you
need to do so, you could reactivate the resource simply by deselecting a

When you delete a resource, the resource is actually removed from the
Enterprise Resource Pool entirely. If the resource is assigned to tasks in
any project plan, Project Server converts the resource from an enterprise
resource to a local resource. Hope this helps.


Does this deactivation from PWA do the same as setting the inactive field to
YES in the global resource pool?

Guy Melanson

Hi Dale, when we delete a resource, I gather that any time entered from that
resource will no longuer be reported in the portfolio Analyzer. Is this
correct? Also, have you run into the problem where a resource is set to
inactive and the publisher keeps giving you an error stating that you don't
have rights to create a resource account. I set the inactive resource's
workgroup to none, but inside the project it shows as default. Just
wondering if you'd have a trick for this.


Dale Howard [MVP]

Guy --

When you say "delete a resource", do you actually mean you are deleting the
resource via Admin - Clean Up Project Server Database, or do you mean you
are setting the resource to inactive? There is a huge difference between
the two.

When you delete a resource, the system converts the enterprise resource to a
local resource in every project. When the OLAP cube rebuilds, the actuals
for that local resource are reported in the Portfolio Analyzer, but they are
visible using the Resource Status dimension and are shown as Local

If you are setting the resource to inactive, then you need to set the
resource's Workgroup value to None in the Enterprise Resource Pool. You
can't do it in any individual project, which is probably the source of the
continuing spooler errors.

Just some thoughts. Hope this helps.

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